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Citizenship Grading Scale Citizenship Rubric Tiger Traits
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CITIZENSHIP: Citizenship grades are based on attendance, participation, preparation, and behavior, for both in person and virtual learning experiences. Students are expected to follow the Tiger Traits at all times. Students must be in their assigned seats with all required materials when the bell rings. Citizenship grades can be improved within a quarter through exemplary behavior. Students should see individual teachers to discuss how they might bring their citizenship grades up. Students who have a N or U in any class will not be able to participate in field trips and/or non-mandatory assemblies throughout the year. 

Citizenship Rubric

Tiger Trait 4-Meets all requirements


(0-1 Behavior Infractions)

3- Partially meets requirements


(2-3 Behavior Infractions)

2- Meets limited requirement with help


(4-6 Behavior Infractions)

1-Unable to meet limited requirement 


(7+ Behavior Infractions)

Takes Responsibility Almost Always…

*Follows directions *Completes assignments on time

*Accepts consequences for own actions

*Approaches teacher with plan for grade improvement when necessary


*Follows directions *Completes assignments on time

*Accepts consequences for own actions


*Fails to follow directions

*Fails to turn assignments in on time

*Argues about the consequences of

his/her actions


*Fails to follow directions

*Fails to turn assignments in on time

*Argues about the consequences of 

his/her actions

Is in the proper place Almost Always... 

*In their seat when the bell rings

*Stays in assigned area during class  


*In their seat when the bell rings

*Stays in assigned area during class


*Late to class

*Out of assigned area during class


*Late to class

*Out of assigned area during class

*Absent from class.

Goes prepared Almost always...

Comes prepared with a writing utensil, paper, and supplies that are required for class

Usually ...

Comes prepared with a writing utensil, paper, and supplies that are required for class

Sometimes ...

*Comes to class unprepared


*Comes to class unprepared

Engages in learning Almost Always... *Participates appropriately in class discussions and activities

*Maintains focus and stays on task


*Participates appropriately in class discussions and activities

*Maintains focus and stays on task


*Demonstrates inappropriate behavior during class discussions and activities

*Loses focus

*Off task


*Demonstrates inappropriate behavior during class discussions and activities

*Loses focus

*Off task

Respects self and others Almost Always..

*Follows classroom rules and procedures

*Treats classroom materials with respect

*Treats others with respect


*Follows classroom rules and procedures

*Treats classroom materials with respect

*Treats others with respect


*Violates classroom rules and procedures

*Disrespectful to others

*Disrespectful to classroom materials


*Violates classroom rules and procedures

*Disrespectful to others

*Disrespectful to classroom materials

Citizenship Grading Scale

H The student follows the Tiger Traits and seldom, if ever, violates school and/or class rules, takes correction in a positive and productive way, is willing and eager to improve, and initiates positive contributions to the school and class community; No more than 1 behavior infraction (tardies, shout-outs, off-task, disrespectful or unsafe behavior, etc.).
S The student does not often violate school and/or classroom rules, accepts correction positively, and makes a positive contribution to the school and class community; 2-3 behavior infractions (tardies, shout-outs, off-task, disrespectful or unsafe behavior, etc.).
N The student sometimes violates school and/or classroom rules, but generally accepts correction positively; 4-6 behavior infractions (tardies, shout-outs, off-task, disrespectful or unsafe behavior, etc.).
U The student’s behavior often has a negative impact on the learning environment; 

7 or more behavior infractions (tardies, shout-outs, off-task, disrespectful or unsafe behavior, etc.).  Receiving a referral to the office for a major rules violation will automatically drop a student’s grade to a “U” in citizenship.

*Individual citizenship grading requirements may vary according to each teacher’s disclosure addendum.

Tiger Traits
At South Hills, we believe that an important part of being a successful student and citizen is following the TIGER Traits. IN all we do, we will emphasize the TIGER Traits throughout the school, including classrooms, gyms, cafeteria, hallways, auditorium, library, restrooms, computer labs, and buses. The TIGER Traits are:

    • T    Takes Responsibility
    •  I    In the Right Place
    • G   Goes Prepared
    • E   Engages in Learning
    • R   Respects Self and Others

When students do not follow the TIGER Traits, trust is broken, school safety is compromised, and our learning environment is harmed. Positive and negative consequences for positive and negative behaviors are:

Positive Negative
Self-respect and self-discipline Visual or verbal correction
A kind word and a winning smile Removed from situation
Class and school-wide incentives Parent contact
Positive note home Referral to an administrator
Tiger Stripes Out-of-school suspension