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February 7: Virtual Health and Wellness Day
February 12: Parent Teacher Conference (In-person)
February 13: Parent Teacher Conference (Virtual)
February 14: No School
February 17: No School


Valentines for Your Valentine

Parents, if you'd like to help students purchase Valentine's gifts, use this link to sign up:

Registration Information for Incoming 8th and 9th Grade

Students have received information about registering for next year's classes. They should bring home the registration card to share with parents/guardians. The registration card should match the information submitted on Skyward. See the slide presentations below, to learn about classes and how to register.

9th Grade Registration 2025-26 (Current 8th Graders)

8th Grade Registration 2025-26 (Current 7th Graders)

January Tigers of the Month

Congratulations January Tigers of the Month!

Parent Square

Jordan School District will now be using ParentSquare to share communication from schools and the District. ParentSquare has replaced Skylert as the District’s new communication platform.
Read the District Announcement
Parent_Guardian - Getting Started Guide (English)
Parent_Guardian - Getting Started Guide (Spanish)

For more information watch the following video:

Appropriate Language Video
Appropriate language is important. Please watch this video to learn the expectations at SHMS.

Our Mission: South Hills Middle School is committed to creating a safe and caring environment of life-long learners and responsible citizens.
South Hills Mission Statement