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Special Education

Photo of Mrs. Alexis Bryson Mrs. Alexis Bryson Resource Team Lead/LANGUAGE ARTS
Photo of Ms. Susan Call Ms. Susan Call Support Classroom Leader
Photo of Ms. Kimberli Devey Ms. Kimberli Devey Resource AIDE
Photo of Mrs. Julie Elliott Mrs. Julie Elliott SEB/A Support TEACHER
Photo of Mrs. Teresa Feragen Mrs. Teresa Feragen SEB SUPPORT AIDE
Photo of Ms. Lilly Fulks Ms. Lilly Fulks SEB/A SUPPORT AIDE
Photo of Mrs. Lauralee Husband Mrs. Lauralee Husband SEB SUPPORT AIDE
Photo of Mr. Jacob Jones Mr. Jacob Jones FA Support Aide
Ms. Marianne Knight FA SUPPORT AIDE
Photo of Mr. Jason Koelliker Mr. Jason Koelliker FA SUPPORT AIDE
Photo of Ms. Winona Marx Ms. Winona Marx SEB SUPPORT TEACHER
Photo of Ms. Rebecca McPartland Ms. Rebecca McPartland SPEECH THERAPIST
Photo of Ms. Britteny Montag Ms. Britteny Montag SEB/A SUPPORT AIDE
Photo of Mrs Tiffany Olson Mrs Tiffany Olson FA SUPPORT AIDE
Photo of Mrs. Tracie Osborne Mrs. Tracie Osborne SEB/A SUPPORT AIDE
Photo of Mr. Ammon Ostler Mr. Ammon Ostler Language Arts
Photo of Ms. Stephanie Pritchett Ms. Stephanie Pritchett Math
Photo of Ms. Katelyn Sneed Ms. Katelyn Sneed FA Support Aide
Photo of Mrs. Amy Stephenson Mrs. Amy Stephenson FA SUPPORT AIDE
Photo of Mrs. Kristan Thompson Mrs. Kristan Thompson FA SUPPORT TEACHER
Photo of Ms. Aimee Wright Ms. Aimee Wright Resource Aide
Photo of Mrs. Brittany Zetterquist Mrs. Brittany Zetterquist SEB Support Aide