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Dangerous Items/Weapons Disrespect/Insubordination Fighting Harrassment/Bullying
Illegal Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco (JSD Policy AS90) Knowledge of an Illegal Activity Profane or Vulgar Guestures, Language, pictures or Videos Public Displays of Affection
Sexual Harassment Suspension Theft Throwing Objects/Vandelism
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DANGEROUS ITEMS/WEAPONS: To maintain school safety, students are prohibited from bringing dangerous items, weapons or facsimiles of weapons to school. Students who use, possess, sell, or attempt to possess any firearm (gun), weapon, knife, explosive device, noxious or flammable material, including lighters, fireworks, chemical weapon, martial arts weapon, or other harmful instruments or any replica or facsimile of any of the above, whether functional or nonfunctional, whether designed for use as a weapon or for some other use may be suspended to a district level hearing and face police involvement. Students who suspect another student has brought or plans to bring a dangerous item or weapon to school have the responsibility to tell an adult immediately. Any student who accidentally brings a dangerous item to school (for instance, a knife is in your backpack from a camping trip), should bring it to an administrator immediately and not show it to others. (See (USC §53G-8-205 (1) (3))

DISRESPECT and INSUBORDINATION: The refusal to follow a reasonable directive by a teacher, administrator, and/or other school personnel is considered insubordination and is prohibited.  This behavior is grounds for suspension.

FIGHTING: Students are expected to get along with one another and settle differences and disputes in ways other than fighting. Fighting at school or at school related activities is prohibited. Injuries, damages, and medical cost associated with fighting are the responsibility of the involved students and their parents. Students are subject to suspension and possible police charges. Provoking or encouraging a fight or video recording others fighting may also lead to disciplinary action.

HARASSMENT/BULLYING: Every day, we may interact with people who are not nice in their words, behaviors, and actions. These types of people are not pleasant to be around and individuals can make choices to be in places and with people that are positive and uplifting. If someone is mean or unpleasant, students can work with friends, teachers, counselors, or administrators to resolve the situation.

A "mean" person crosses the line when their behavior fits one of the definitions below.

  • Bullying: aggressive behavior that is intentional and that involves an imbalance of power or strength. A student or employee is being bullied or victimized when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more students or employees.
    • Physical bullying including but not limited to hitting and/or punching
    • Verbal bullying including but not limited to teasing or name calling
    • Non-verbal or emotional bullying including but not limited to intimidation through gestures, social exclusion and relational aggression
    • The conduct described above constitutes bullying, regardless of whether the person against whom the conduct is committed directed, consented to, or acquiesced in, the conduct.
  • Cyberbullying: aggressive behavior that is sent via internet, cell phone, or another device to send or post text, video, or an image with the intent or knowledge, or with reckless disregard, that the text, video, or image will hurt, embarrass, or threaten an individual, regardless of whether the individual directed, consented to, or acquiesced in the conduct, or voluntarily accessed the electronic communication.
  • Harassment: repeatedly communicating to another individual, in an objectively demeaning or disparaging manner, statements that contribute to a hostile learning or work environment for the individual (see JSD Policy AS94)
  • Retaliation: an act of communication intended:
    • As retribution against a person for reporting bullying, cyberbullying, or harassment; or
    • To improperly influence the investigation of, or the response to, a report of bullying.
  • Prohibitions:
    • No school employee, student, or patron may engage in bullying, cyberbullying or harassing a school employee or student: On school property, at a school related or sponsored event, on a school bus, at a school bus stop, or while the school employee or student is traveling to or from a location or event described above.
    • No school employee or student may engage in cyberbullying a school employee or student at any time or in any location.
    • No school employee or student may make false allegation of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, or retaliation against a school employee or student.

Any bullying, cyberbullying, or harassment, that is found to be targeted at a federally protected class is further prohibited under federal anti-discrimination laws and is subject to compliance regulations from the Office for Civil Rights (see JSD Policy AS94).

Support - If you are being bullied: (1) Tell the individual who is bullying to stop, the behavior is not wanted. (2) Tell a parent or guardian. (3) Talk to an adult in the building: teacher, counselor, administrator, hall monitor, school resource officer etc. (4) Report any serious incidents to the school office. (5) Report serious incidents using the SafeUT app.

Consequences - Based on the nature of the incident, students that participate in bullying, harassing, or retaliatory actions will be subject to the following consequences: Warning/parent contact,  community service, in-school suspension, out-of school suspension, district-level hearing, and/or referral to law enforcement.

ILLEGAL DRUGS, ALCOHOL, and TOBACCO (JSD Policy AS90): The school recognizes that the possession, use or distribution of illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, or other prohibited substances constitutes a hazard to students and is disruptive to the educational process. The following substances are prohibited at school: illegal drugs, illegal psychotoxic chemicals (inhalants), alcoholic beverages, medications in excess of an 8-hour dosage, tobacco products (including e-cigs/vapes) and paraphernalia. The possession, use, or distribution, by students of any substance listed above is prohibited on school district property during school hours and at any school-sponsored extracurricular program or activity including those held off school property. Violations will result in the strict application of Jordan School District’s Drug and Alcohol Policy AS90. Consequences could include: parent contact, police involvement, suspension (up to 180 school days), removal from school, a required drug offenders/tobacco cessation class, and a required risk assessment.

KNOWLEDGE OF AN ILLEGAL ACTIVITY: If a student knows that some dangerous or illegal activity is going to happen or did happen, they are responsible to report it to the police or administration. This includes fighting, drugs, weapons, pornography, etc. Failure to report could lead to school consequences, suspension, and police involvement. A student filming or attending an illegal activity – even if they are not directly participating – could lead to school consequences, suspension, and police involvement. This applies to school and district activities.

PROFANE or VULGAR GESTURES, LANGUAGE, PICTURES, or VIDEOS: Any gestures, language, pictures, videos, etc. that are lewd, vulgar, gross, obscene, defamatory, or otherwise disruptive to the educational environment are inappropriate for any school environment and are prohibited. A teacher or administrator will take appropriate disciplinary action – including possible suspension from school.

PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF AFFECTION: Public displays of affection (such as longer hugs and kissing) are inappropriate at any school sponsored activities. Students will be warned for initial violations.  Repeated violations will result in parent contact and school consequences.

SEXUAL HARASSMENT: Sexual harassment occurs in school when a hostile environment is created due to verbal or nonverbal behavior. The following are some examples of behaviors that can create a hostile environment if they are unwanted or uninvited:

  • Off-color jokes or teasing, comments about body parts or sex life, suggestive pictures, posters, calendars, or cartoons, leering, stares, or gestures, repeated requests for dates, excessive attention in the form of love letters, telephone calls, or gifts, touching, brushes, pats, hugs, shoulder rubs, or pinches.

Students who feel they have been sexually harassed should report the harassment to the administration or counselor. Disciplinary action will be taken against individuals who are guilty of harassment (see “Harassment/Bullying” section for potential consequences).

SUSPENSION: A student who is suspended from school may not be penalized academically for non-attendance during the days of suspension. Make-up work will be provided for suspended students upon their return to school. Make-up work must be completed within the time requirements of the individual teacher. If a student is suspended, they are not allowed on any Jordan School District grounds, nor allowed to participate in any school or district activities during the period of suspension.

THEFT: Stealing any school or personal property at school is against the law and could result in suspension and police involvement. Games and jokes that involve being in possession of another’s property without the owner’s permission could be treated as theft. 

THROWING OBJECTS: Thrown objects can cause serious accidents, injuries, and damage. Students may not throw objects in classes, hallways, common areas like the cafeteria, auditorium, or outside – including snowballs. Throwing objects may result in a referral to the administration.

VANDALISM: Vandalism is the destruction or defacement of school or personal property. All acts of vandalism will be investigated and appropriate action taken, including suspension, restitution for damages, and possible police involvement.