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Health and Safety

Bus Transportation Closed Campus and Visitors Emergency Drills
Emergency Phone Numbers Medications SHMS Policy and Disclosure Manual

BUS TRANSPORTATION: A student qualifies for bus transportation if the student lives two miles or more from the school and is not on permit. Students must board the bus at the regular stops.  Students may not ride another student’s bus. Students are expected to follow the bus driver’s direction. Misbehavior on the bus or at a bus stop may lead to school consequences, including the revoking of riding privileges.

Closed Campus and Visitors:
South Hills Middle School has a closed campus policy which means students are not allowed to leave the campus without following the proper checkout procedures. Only currently registered students will be allowed to attend classes and activities or be on school property. Student visitors are not allowed at school. Adult visitors must report to the main office to sign in and receive a visitor’s pass. Parents wishing to attend a class must obtain the permission of the administration and the teacher prior to the visit.

EMERGENCY DRILLS: Emergency drills are required at regular intervals. When the school is evacuated, students and teachers will follow Incident Command procedures. Students are expected to remain with their teachers/class and follow directions in a respectful manner.

EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS:  In order to reach parents in an emergency, make sure you submit changes of address or phone numbers to the attendance office or via your parent Skyward log-in. Please list anyone in the emergency contacts that you might want to have check-out your student; otherwise, we will be unable to release your child to that person.

 MEDICATIONS: Middle school students cannot have more than an 8-hour dose of any type of medication for personal use. “Medication” is defined as any over-the-counter pill or personal prescription and must be stored in the original container or package. Do not share medication with anybody at school. Students possessing more than an 8-hour dose and/or sharing prescription or over-the-counter medications with others will be in violation of district drug and alcohol policy. See “Illegal Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco” sections for potential consequences. Students needing prescription medication during the school day will need to get a Request for Medication form from the attendance office and must be filled out and signed by a parent and physician. These medications are kept in a locked cabinet. Students may have an asthma inhaler with them.